Sometimes it’s a relief to make up a dessert that takes about five minutes and some time in the fridge. This is definitely one of those desserts. Those five minutes of prep will be amply rewarded with the moans and sighs of pure pleasure when your family or guests dive face first into this incredible dessert salad.

When you’ve got just a few minutes to spare, this is definitely a dessert you should turn to. If you have loads of time on your hands, make this, and then go read a magazine or catch up on Real Housewives. Your choice. Just make this so you can thank me later.


1 can cherry pie filling
1 lg. can crushed pineapple, drained
1 can Eagle Brand milk
2 c. miniature marshmallows
1 c. pecans
1 (8 oz.) Cool WhiP


Mix in order …

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