Fried potatoes and onions. Crispy and tender, these are great for breakfast, lunch or dinner! I hope you enjoy this recipe. One IMPORTANT tip when it comes to Fried potatoes and onion is slicing the potatoes just right.

You don’t want them toothing, because you’ll end up with mushy potatoes or they can burn easily. But also make sure to not slice them too think, because, they’ll take too long to get done. And you can follow the same principle for the onion. Not too thin, and too think, So just something between that and that.


Vegetable Oil



Salt & Pepper


1 ) Peel and slice the potatoes into rounds…not too thin unless you want potato chips, and Keep them in a bowl of cold water until you’re all done slicing. Always rinse the taters a couple of times.

2 ) Place sliced potatoes on a baking pan lined with paper towels to remove water. Otherwise, you’re going to be splattered with hot oil.

3 ) Use a couple more paper towels to get the water off of the top too.

4 ) Add enough oil to cover the bottom of the frying pan and then pour in a drop or two more for good measure. Heat oil on medium-high. You want that oil HOT!

5 ) Slice the onion thinly and throw them in the pan with the taters. Be careful because the oil will be very hot! You’re going to brown the taters & onions to form a crispy outside.

6 ) Keep turning and flipping those taters until you brown most of them. But be careful not to flip so much that you break them all up. Let them cook a bit before you flip each time. Psst…I broke a few …

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