Fried Potatoes And Onion

Fried Potatoes And Onion

Fried potatoes and onion, a dish celebrated for its simplicity and heartwarming flavors, stands as a testament to the timeless appeal of comfort food. This dish, with its golden, crispy potatoes and sweet, caramelized onions, brings together the earthy and the savory in a harmony that is both satisfying and deeply nourishing. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the nuances of creating this classic dish, ensuring that even a novice cook can achieve the perfect balance of textures and flavors.


1.5 pounds of potatoes (preferably Yukon Gold or another waxy variety for their excellent frying qualities and buttery texture)

1 large onion, thinly sliced

4 tablespoons of unsalted butter (or a combination of butter and olive oil for a richer flavor)

Salt, to taste

Freshly ground black pepper, to taste

Optional: Fresh herbs (such as parsley or thyme), garlic, paprika, or cheese for garnish and added flavor


Selecting and Preparing the Potatoes: Begin by choosing the right type of potato. Yukon Golds are ideal for frying due to their lower starch content and creamy texture. Wash the potatoes thoroughly, then peel them if desired (though leaving the skin on can add texture and nutrients). Cut the potatoes into uniform slices or cubes; this ensures they cook evenly.

Parboiling the Potatoes (Optional but Recommended): For an even more tender interior, parboil the potatoes before frying. Place them in a pot of salted boiling water for about 5 minutes, then drain and let them dry on paper towels. This step is crucial for achieving that coveted crispy exterior while keeping the inside soft and fluffy.

Preparing the Onions: While the potatoes are drying, peel and thinly slice the onion. The thinness of the slices will determine how quickly they caramelize and integrate with the potatoes. A mandoline can be used for uniform slices, but a sharp knife works just as well.

Cooking Process:

Heating the Pan: Place your skillet over medium heat and add the butter (and olive oil, if using). Allow the butter to melt completely and become slightly bubbly, but be careful not to let it brown or burn.

Frying the Potatoes: Carefully add the dried potatoes to the skillet in a single layer, allowing them to fry without overcrowding. This may need to be done in batches depending on the size of your skillet. Season with salt and pepper. Let the potatoes fry undisturbed for a few minutes until the underside is golden brown and crispy, then flip them over to cook on the other side. The entire process should take about 10-15 minutes, depending on the size of your potato pieces …

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